binaural inside noise voice(s)

Double TV advertisement in danish supermarket

In Løkken, in a Supermarket 2 TVs facing each other and blowing our advertisement … you do not understand one of them. and loud humming of a beer refrigerator. Løkken a small town. full of tourists. Løkken like a typical seaside resort. full of trash-tourist shops. and in winter ? i guess the people staying there will invite you do […]

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binaural city voice(s)

Tennis on Victoria Square

Victoria Square is called the center of Birmingham. Funny, in a way, that they put a big screen on the opposite side of the Council House, that showing a tennis match. On left side you can here “the River” – on the right side the tennis game. At the end of the recording there is a […]

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h4 inside noise

Poland – Gdansk – TV set and snorring

polish tv set and someone brushing teeth – someone snoring

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