ein Feld voller blühender Phacelia und Bienen, die sich daran nähren. im Hintergrund halten sich: Vögel und ein Hahn.
die Phacelia und die Bienen

ein Feld voller blühender Phacelia und Bienen, die sich daran nähren. im Hintergrund halten sich: Vögel und ein Hahn.
Every year im automn all the wild ducks meet on the fields of Oderbruch to discuss where to go for winter holidays. At the point of recording there have been two big groups. One going to africa – the other to west asia. At 0:30 both groups leave the ground to have another group discussion […]
Walking down the Via Guiseppe Mazzini in Trento, there was a brass band – the Alioth Brass Quintet – playing whats happening in the recording:walking down the shopping road – with music far away and getting closer and closer, people talking, cars, humming, glasses, mobile phone noises, bikes driving by1:10 song ends, but somebody touched […]
Subway ride in Lisboa with the blue line. humming and basy train sounds with plastic crackels of the grabrails.
Audible view from a window of the Lisbon Story Guesthouse. people, cars, soft city sounds. If you visit Lisboa, have a look at lisbonsustainabletourism.com. Get in contact!
cosy atmo recording on a fleamarket in the center of Lisboa. people talking, a hang beeing played in the background. Spring, but no leaves on the trees yet.
Lots of people, lots of plastic on the fleamarket in Barcelona. trash trash places to fancy stores selling mattresses or bike-helmets
The warn-signal before closing the doors of the subway makes some crazy noises in between the “beeps”.
Recording from a balcony in the 3rd floor on Carrer Rogent at night.
Lots of skateboarders in front of the MACBA (Museu d’Art Contemporani) in Barcelona