h4 inside noise

Poland – Gdansk – TV set and snorring

polish tv set and someone brushing teeth – someone snoring

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binaural inside machine sound music voice(s)

Poland – Gdansk – Breadshop

in a small bread shop in gdansk. at 0:40 and 1:15 you can hear a machine that cuts a whole bread into slices

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binaural inside machine sound voice(s)

Poland – Train travel to Soppot

dull sounding trainride to suppot mobile phone tones + music

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binaural city inside

Poland – Gdansk – Church

recording inside of St. Mary’s Church, Gdansk churchbell

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inside music voice(s)

Vienna – Millenium City

crazy stuff going on here

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city h4 inside machine sound

Vienna – Bus Ride 13A (near Neubaugasse)

bus ride in vienna on line 13A near Neubaugasse talking people

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binaural inside voice(s)

Vienna – UNO – working people

recorded in the entrance hall of the UNO, vienna. people mounting and moving stuff on the floor

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binaural inside

Athens- (Pet) Birdshop

Petshop with lots of birds on Athinas road. it was more like a shop for birds only.

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binaural inside voice(s)

Athens – meat market

screaming butchers at the meat market in center of athens: Mercat Central d’Atenes (the picture was taken later that day)

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