binaural city music rhythm

Paris – Saxophon Player and Tap Dancer

nice Saxophone Player and Tap Dancer behind Centre Georges Pompidou

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binaural city machine sound

Paris – Subway Tones

subway warn signals from paris

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binaural city

Paris – Moving Stairways

moving stairways sound, people talking

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binaural city

Paris – Water in Louvre

water from the roof, shoes, flute in background

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binaural city machine sound voice(s)

Paris – Subway

#1 subway halls, people, announcment, “i’m very lost here” #2 chattering doors #3 men talking, keys, signals, announcment, noise, noise #4 subway, clanking, people, noise, door closing, leaving the train, exit #5 beautiful tones from subway

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binaural city voice(s)

Paris – Arc de Triomphe

Street, passagem, coughing woman, wind, street, cars on cobblestones, people, grit way, cars, …

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binaural city

Paris – IRCAM Soundinstallation 2006

Soundinstallation made of huge metal plates stick to loudspeakers infront of Ircam

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binaural city

Paris Entrance IRCAM / Nime06

Streets, Igor-Stravinsky Square Soundinstallation on IRCAM entrance  inside IRCAM

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binaural city machine sound

Paris Subway

#1 subway ride woman + child talking warn-signals train leaves sliding noises Champs-Élysées #2  subway ride wind

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binaural city music voice(s)

London Westminster Abbey

#1 Choir “no recording her, sir” fluttering speach choir Communion #2 “let us pray” “sit down for a moment” speach advertisment for radio 3 leaving church into the city

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