city h4 music voice(s)

Athens – Walking down from Acropolis

walking down Apostolou Pavlou after visiting Acropolis #1 guitar player walk by strange voices at 0:36 #2 more people, guitar player + singer walk by

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binaural city noise

Athens – Noisy Interphone

walking around in the centre i found an interphone on the entrance to a house, that made that nice noises. moving around created the phasing effect.

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outside rhythm

Croatia – Singing Mast

singing and clanging wind in the boats mast

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binaural countryside outside rhythm

Croatia – Things jingling on the boats mast

wind, rain recorded under a hood. ropes jingling on the boats mast

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binaural countryside machine sound outside

Croatia – Boat Ride

Boat Ride to KRKA. buzzing sound of the boats motor

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coil pickup microphone

Berlin Ostkreuz

alter noch nicht renovierter Bahnhof Ostkreuz 52°30’11.21″N / 13°28’8.43″E google maps recording with the pickup-mikrophone züge fahren ein / und fahren ab Same place 3rd of January 2015 (after rebuilding the train station) This is an entry from the project dürümdürü (2007). Photos by Caro B.

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city h4 machine sound noise voice(s)

Berlin Ostkreuz

alter noch nicht renovierter Bahnhof 52°30’11.21″N / 13°28’8.43″E google maps / google earth recording #1: züge fahren ein / aus recording #2: stufen / am bahnsteig stimmen / durchsagen / ein-ausfahrten recording #3: R: stufen + schritte vorne / L zu fährt ein/durch / zug-geratter Auslöser der Hasselblad Kamera mehr über Bahnhof Ostkreuz: Ostkreuz Blog (zum Umbau): auf […]

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binaural machine sound music outside

Vienna – Prater

sound-hunting with gerhard schwoiger in wiener prater. see more pictures at soundhunting homepage #1 hounted house ride #2 hounted house adversiment #3 gambling den

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h4 machine sound outside


recording of a jackhammer on road. nice echos from the jackhammer between the houses. with cars coming and typical road noises.

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binaural city outside

Graz – Bells Mariahilfer Kirche

Bells of Mariahilfer Kirche Graz doing beautiful cords. crossfading into birds. Recording right in front of the church.

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