Grandiose Durchsagen von Berlin nach Wien, jedesmal gleich. Der Josef
Month: August 2008
shopping expedition in a huge supermarket in malmö near our hostel. (Stadiongatan/Trelleborgsvägan) hear talking TV sets, humming of a multideck cabinet, …

after visiting an exibition there was an indian dance lesson on a small stage. you can hear the rain trickling on my hood.
expedition the hostel we lived in (the hostel was the same price as a caravan on a campsite)

we found another funny thing while Malmö Festival. people drinking beer

“Malmö Festival” took place, during the time we were in Malmö. lots of things going on… in the Park we found a sound-installation by Jan Cardell “Wood”

recording of the sea and waves on malmö beach. i knew – that with h4’s microphones it will be – just WIND. (it was really windy there) but i thought this is kind of romantic.
in side the (really big) malmö museum. a fake toilet was setup — a sqeaking door and talking people (in swedish). the athmophere and sound of the voices were so strange. first i just wanted to record the door…but than the voices became more interesting. sorry no picture…
closing the door in a indian restaurant in malmö made two tones, but they do not sound very well on this recording. also included: toilet flush

on the ferry-way from rostock to gedser (Denmark) #1 + #2 clanking signboards on the ferry to copenhagen (#2 with annoucement, that shops are closing) #3 clanking of a metal door #4 clanking plates (binaural recording) #5 clanking plates (zoom h4 internal mic)