Boat Ride to KRKA. buzzing sound of the boats motor
Category: with
Berlin Ostkreuz
alter noch nicht renovierter Bahnhof 52°30’11.21″N / 13°28’8.43″E google maps / google earth recording #1: züge fahren ein / aus recording #2: stufen / am bahnsteig stimmen / durchsagen / ein-ausfahrten recording #3: R: stufen + schritte vorne / L zu fährt ein/durch / zug-geratter Auslöser der Hasselblad Kamera mehr über Bahnhof Ostkreuz: Ostkreuz Blog (zum Umbau): auf […]
Vienna – Prater
sound-hunting with gerhard schwoiger in wiener prater. see more pictures at soundhunting homepage #1 hounted house ride #2 hounted house adversiment #3 gambling den
recording of a jackhammer on road. nice echos from the jackhammer between the houses. with cars coming and typical road noises.
wonderful church-bells from Mariahilfer Kirche (Graz). Recorded in a Restaurant on the hill of Graz (Schlossberg). You could “see” the bells moving in the wind over graz. Later: Family coming to take seat and talking funny things (in german).
Point of Hear from Sacré Coeur de Montmartre: people, birds and a harp in background
nice Saxophone Player and Tap Dancer behind Centre Georges Pompidou
Paris – Subway Tones
subway warn signals from paris
Paris – Subway
#1 subway halls, people, announcment, “i’m very lost here” #2 chattering doors #3 men talking, keys, signals, announcment, noise, noise #4 subway, clanking, people, noise, door closing, leaving the train, exit #5 beautiful tones from subway
Street, passagem, coughing woman, wind, street, cars on cobblestones, people, grit way, cars, …